Friday, July 20, 2012

Aurora, Colorado Theatre Shooting

The Aurora, Co theatre shooting that left 12 dead and 50 hurt is a senseless tragedy that occurs far too often. Even kids cannot go to a movie theatre without fearing for their lives. My sympathy and prayers go out to those that were killed or wounded and their families.
The Shooter was a coward, as these people usually are, because he wore body armor and a helmet to protect himself from getting shot or injured. He is a weak individual who does not deserve the news he is getting. The news should be about what he did and the victims but never mention his name since that was his only objective …. to be famous.
To reiterate that he did not want to be harmed and only wanted to be famous is supported by the fact that he did not put up a fight with police….he simply gave up so HE would not get shot. And then he spilled the beans to the police about where he lived and there were explosives in his apartment.
Over the week following this event we will hear arguments for gun control. But to me, even if there were no guns in the U.S. this guy would have found a way to create a massacre. He could have used Molotov cocktails, a sword or knife, pipe bombs or any other weapons he could cause mayhem with. He wanted to be famous and in his mind, a massacre is the only thing he was qualified to do and he wanted it to be bigger than anyone before him.
One could also use this event as an argument for Concealed Carry. If 10 or 15 people had immediately pulled their guns and started firing back at this guy, he would have split …. if he was able. I don’t believe nearly as many people would have been killed or injured. Remember, he is a coward and does not want to get shot. As an example, a week earlier, two guys with guns entered a internet cafe in Florida to cause mayhem and rob the patrons but when a 71 year old drew his pistol and started firing they took off running over each other trying to escape. They did not even take the time to fire back because they were so afraid of getting shot. These kinds of people try to pick on unarmed, unprepared, weak people who are vulnerable. If they suspect you are armed, they will leave you alone because they know you are trained and proficient with your weapon. They do not want to get hurt.
The only society that is at risk of being abused is the one that cannot protect itself.
I regret that this happened and I feel for the victims and their families but I hope our society does not over react to this event.

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