Saturday, September 15, 2012

Privatizing Cities

I was watching Fox News on Saturday Sept 8, 2012 and they began talking about our government discussing plans to privatize the cities in the United States. Can you believe this? As much as our government rails against corporations and now they want them to take over and run our cities. What's going on here?

Are our politicians so crooked now that every city is going bankrupt because of the ungodly pension plans they have agreed to and participate in. It seems the regulations should be on government and not on business. I don't know of a single corporation that went out of business because their pension plan caused them to implode like our public sector is doing. So, now they have a brilliant idea. Let the corporations run the cities and the politicians will dictate to the corporations how they will operate. Kind of like what our government is doing now. Unfortunately, every business the government has tried to run has gone bankrupt. So why should this be any different. It will just be on a larger scale.

They point out the success of cities in Europe and Hong Kong so you will feel more comfortable with the idea. Remember, this is for you. This is to Help You. Remember what Ronald Reagan said was one of the biggest Lies is when the government says 'We're the government and we're here to help'. Watch out. They may be here to manipulate and use you into doing something you would never agree to if you knew the truth but the only help you will get is to further their agenda.

When I first started my career in computers (a few years ago), the company I worked for ran the payrolls for mining towns all over the country. Are you familiar with mining towns? Well, the mining company owns everything in the town. The grocery store, gas station, clothing, shoes, movie theater, bank, furniture, car dealerships, everything. If you work for the company, you are given a line of credit and you can go to any of their stores and purchase what you need on credit. Come payday, your check stub will show deductions for everything you purchased, show the balance of how much you still owe and your check will be printed with big fat zeros. Remember, you don't need money because everything is available on credit ..... as long as you don't leave the town limits. You are virtually a slave until you die.

Also, have you ever lived in a Planned Neighborhood. The Homeowners Association controls everything that goes on in that neighborhood. Even though you paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for the house, you have very few rights about what is done to that house. And, if you don't keep up your property to their standard, you could get into some serious legal trouble.

So, how great would it be to live in a city owned and run by a corporation. How much say would you have about anything?

I don't think you will have a choice about living in a privatized city. I think it will just happen and you will hardly notice. And then, little by little your rights will be eroded until you won't recognize the city or country you are living in. Kind of like what is happening now. And to think, our politicians think this is progress.

Personally, I do not want to live in a Privitized City run by some corporation. What would be nice is to change the way we elect politicians. Do not elect anyone to public office unless they have a minimum of 25 years experience in business and have some strict guidelines so politicians cannot run amuck. Basically, require them to have a balanced budget and do not allow them to be exempt from any laws they pass.

That should do it.

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