Friday, August 3, 2012

Alkaline Water

In 2009 we were on our way back from a 3 month camping trip in Alaska and was working our way back down the west coast. We ended up in Palm Springs, Ca and attended a street festival where we were introduced to Alkaline Water. The first sip got our attention because it tasted sweet and refreshing without all the chemicals we were use to. We began by buying a bottle at a time and doing some research on the Alkaline Water Machines. We bought our machine from Life Ionizer and began, what became a life style change.

When we first started drinking water from our own machine we had it set on a PH level of 8. Both my wife and I began detoxing but because my body was more polluted than my wife's, I went thru a more interesting detox than her. We both had flu like symptoms but hers lasted only about a week where mine lasted for two weeks. Also, the back of my calves on both legs developed a rash and got pretty raw. It was uncomfortable, painful even, to wear long pants. But, I stuck with it and after about two weeks, my flu symptoms and my rash cleared up. Now, if we even go to visit friends or family, we carry two to three big bottles of alkaline water with us. And, if we go on a camping trip, even in our tent, we carry our machine with us. Why? Because we have not been seriously sick since we have been drinking the alkaline water. We are both in our mid 60's and we both have normal blood pressure and no heart or diabetes problems. That alone is reason enough for us to continue drinking our Alkaline Water.

Before now, have you ever heard of Alkaline Water? Do you know of it's health benefits? If you are on city tap water, here is just one of the over 300 reasons to drink healthy water.

Another reason would be arsenic but I wouldn't worry because the FDA says it is in quantities small enough to kill the bugs and germs but is safe for human consumption. hummmm   How about a little fiber with your water. If that doesn't excite you, how about chlorine. I know you can smell and taste it in your tap water. But don't worry, even though it dries out your skin, it's safe to drink, also. I guess the drying properties of chlorine only works on the exterior. hummmm  Many people have started drinking bottled water but just how safe is that. A lot of the bottled water also comes from a tap.

Our bodies, through thousands of years of evolution, knows what is good for it and what is considered a foreign toxin (poison). It wraps up the toxins to safe guard our organs and then expels them from our bodies or saves them as fat cells until it can expel them at a later time. Unfortunately, we put so many toxins into our bodies, it has a difficult time keeping up expelling everything that is not healthy for us.  We don't even have to think about this because our bodies does this automatically for us. But, instead of me trying to tell you all the research that has been done on the health benefits of Alkaline Water, you can go here to find out all about it. FYI - In Japan, the Alkaline Water Machine is considered a medical device.

This is our web site because we liked the water so much we became dealers. If you are interested, you will notice Life Ionizer has a zero down finance plan.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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