Have you gotten to the point where you have done it, seen it or heard it and nothing seems to interest or excite you anymore. Life is just boring. There may be things you may want to do but you just don't have the energy. So, you lose interest.
Do you realize you are setting yourself up to just ..... die. Because there is just nothing left living for. Wow! Is that sad or what. You are a hopeless individual and in just the few short years you have been on this earth you can no longer find anything that interest you.
Wake up. Get off your ass and start getting involved.
Do you realize that regardless of your age you can still build muscle? I'm 67 and I found myself .... deteriorating. I didn't want to admit it but I had no choice when my knees and hips began hurting just carrying groceries in from the car. Now that's being out of shape. I got talked into going to a palates class with my wife. I set up in the back of the class so the girls would't laugh at my pathetic attempts to do what they were doing. You know, I just do what I can do and strive to achieve what the instructor is doing. Of course, she has been doing this for over 20 years since she was 18 years old so I don't expect to achieve success overnight. I started when I was 66 and my muscles and tendons were tighter than a spring. I couldn't even sit on the floor and sit up straight. Now, here's the amazing part. In the short time I have been doing this, my hips do not hurt anymore and it takes more effort for my knees to start feeling the effects of what I am doing. I'm a living testimony that exercise works. I still can't do everything the instructor and some of the girls do but I continue exercising with them. I'm becoming more flexible and at the same time, my core (abs, legs, hips, back and neck) are becoming stronger. By the way, I'm still the only guy in the class and we do this three times each week.
We are also planting a garden. You think gardening is easy. We had a friend plow up an area behind a barn that use to be a cow pasture. It turned out to be a rock garden. My wife and I moved every rock out of the garden (up to 80 - 100 lbs) except for the ones that required a tractor to move. Our goal is to plant field corn to support green beans, strawberries and potatoes. The fact is, this garden keeps us busy. We are always planning on what to plant, how to plant, when to plant and how to maintain our garden. We also plant vegetables in hay bales, such as tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers ... just for fun. You have never experienced life until you walk out into your garden and pick an asperagus, tomato or green bean and simply eat it raw. Right out of your garden. That you grew. Plan on planting enough so you can can the excess.
If that is not enough for you, we also learned how to make our own wine ..... when we were in our mid 60's. We made apple/cranberry wine and apple wine and now we are making a Cabernet/Sauvignon from a kit. Our next project will be a Chilean Malbec wine kit. The kits average $2.50 per bottle and rank right up there with the $20 - $30 per bottle wine. As soon as fruit season comes in we plan on making our own blackberry, apple, peach and pear wines. We get our bottles from restaurants and friends and then we clean off the labels, sterilize them and get them ready for our wine. It really keeps us active and we love giving people wine that we made.
Have you canned vegetables, pork, beef, chicken or butter? Have you made apple sauce, jelly or jam? You should be canning foods at todays prices for the future. It is simple. Just buy a pressure canner and a hot water bath and they usually come with a recipe book on how to can.
If none of these suit you, then get involved with a church charity. Or a local boys/girls club or a homeless shelter. Volunteer at the Chamber of Commerce or a local museum or a National/State Park. Think of the wisdom and experience you can pass on to others. I know a lady in her 90's that still does massage therapy. She still has dreams of things she wants to accomplish. That ... is what keeps you alive. Thinking that you have done everything, seen everything and heard everything and there is nothing left for you to do is what causes you to die. Have your grandchildren over to camp out in your house or at a local campground ... even in a cabin. Make smores (graham crackers, Hershey bars and marshmallows). Have fun ..... enjoy life. Become un-bored.
That's it. Simply become un-bored. It's never too late. Just get involved. Simply waking up, breathing, eating and going to bed is not enough.
Life is too short not to share your life with others.